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HealthMAP is a powerful data analytics module, leveraging your existing utility meter data to monitor the health of your network.
Utilismart’s HealthMAP is an offshoot of SmartMAP that grants you near real-time visibility of your network. Take control over common issues like network overloading, under/over voltage, power outages, and network losses. This solution is offered under a hosting model designed to be affordable to utilities of any size.
Utilities use HealthMAP to gain operational efficiencies using their existing meter data. By uncovering patterns and learning from the past, they’re able to conserve voltage, improve reliability, pinpoint theft of power, and more.


Substantiate your decisions with historical evidence. See network losses due to emergency load transfers.

Utilismart strives to help utilities unlock the potential of their AMI data. If you’re ready to embrace the digital revolution and find out what real-near-time data analytics can do for you, reach out to us today.