Retail Settlement Variance Account (RSVA) Risk Manager is a centralized repository for your LDC’s meter, billing, financial and market data that standardizes, analyzes and validates your RSVA accounts.

This tool offers a comprehensive view into account balances and assesses their validity, reducing your LDC’s regulatory risk.

Regulatory & Financial Staff Benefits

  • Unbilled revenue made easy
  • Apply industry standards and best practices for the review of your RSVA accounts on a monthly basis
  • RSVA balances are validated and flagged if further action is required
  • Billing and financial systems are seamlessly linked with meter data
  • Receive alerts for potential issues within each Group 1 RSVA account

Senior LDC Management Benefits

  • Ask the right questions of your regulatory team prior to OEB and IESO certification and submission
  • Summarize balances as acceptable or highlight if they are tending outside of the predetermined rangers
  • Limit risk and exposure by early identification of potentially problematic balances